A Call to RI Divorce Lawyers to Push Uncontested Divorces to Help People!
July 31, 2013
Authored By: Christopher Pearsall, RI Divorce Attorney
a.k.a. " The Rhode Island Divorce Coach ℠ "
Publisher and Author on Google+
When I started the development of the RI Divorce Coaching program other attorneys said it wouldn't work. No one was behind me except my wife.
Primarily, attorney colleagues consistently told me they would not participate in the program because they wouldn't make enough money promoting the program.
Secondarily, my fellow Rhode Island attorneys said it would not be effective because people in Rhode Island would not be receptive to the fact they they could actually understand the process and take themselves through Rhode Island's Uncontested Divorce/Nominal Hearing process to the Final Judgment because they were too ingrained in traditional legal representation.
Well, after 5 1/2 years of coaching the program speaks for itself. While I had projected and even hoped for an 85% success rate of the program over the 4 year period, I have been amazed to find that upon reaching a milestone of 4 years of continuous coaching for laypeople of Uncontested Divorce Coaching, the plan itself and my coaching clients have achieved a 99.9% success rate.
No, that is not a misquote. 99.9% of those who engage in all aspects of the program have achieved their Final Judgment of Divorce with minor adjustments in only 2 instances with countless successes, each of which were handled with ease by the client after the appropriate coaching.
Rhode Island attorneys I'm asking you to give me a call. Pro Se filings for Divorces are on the rise but these people need guidance. I have created a detailed explanatory program that is helpful to people who can't afford the cost of representation. It's more affordable and works in stages. Sure, it's not the big money you might like. Yet if you spend your time helping more people in coaching aspects of your practice the money adds up and believe it or not your liability is reduced.
If your law practice is slower and you need to supplement your law practice income stream, I welcome you to contact me. This concept is growing and already two attorneys in other states have not only picked up on it but they have expanded it into other areas of practice. People call me directly seeking my coaching services and most of my coaching clients who aren't excessively busy are more than happy to provide me with a great testimonial for my legal services and particularly the coaching services.
to lawyers to bring it to the public to improve their practices and help people with their uncontested divorces. While for some attorneys it is not the most profitable service compared to representation.
RI Divorce Coaching is a valuable service to afford us as attorneys the opportunity to assist people in their uncontested divorces when th. Payment is at the time of the service and coaching clients are informed about how to go about presenting their own rights and claims in court in an amicable manner.
I will be releasing a complete program together with the structure of my program for a fee similar to a franchise. I have followed this structure and improved it for over 5 years with the input and construtive criticism of my uncontested divorce coaching clients and though continuing to develop it is a way to expand your practice using a new and effective system for attorneys to market themselves from a new prospective.
I welcome lawyers or coaching clients interested in learning more about how client's can handle their own uncontested Rhode Island divorce cases as if they were their own attorneys.
Whether you are interested in purchasing the program as an attorney to offer it to clients, or a client who needs the help from this program to save the money because of limited financial resources, feel free to call me at (401) 632-6976 for an attorney's briefing on the program or to get a client's first affordable Coaching & Advice Session to get a real solid grasp on what to expect from the RI Family Court System as it relates to your circumstances.