The PRO SE Divorce Movement has its Consequences!
A Divergence from Rhode Island Divorce! CISPA must be Stopped!

What do divorce lawyers do in their off time? A Day in my Life!

Picture of Attorney Christopher Pearsall
Atty Chris Pearsall

Authored By:  Christopher Pearsall, RI Divorce Attorney
a.k.a.  " The Rhode Island Divorce Coach ℠ "

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Well, I can't speak for other lawyers in my field when I say what divorce lawyers do in their off time but I certainly know what I do.  I'll let you judge for yourself if I'm typical, atypical or just plain strange.

I enjoy spending my time with my wife Cindy and my three chihuahuas.  Yes, three (3).  They were rescue dogs in need of adoption and we originally went to see one dog.  Well we found out that the one dog we saw was part of a family that had been relinquished to the shelter.  They where scared and skiddish.  There was a mother and her little boy and a little girl.  Well, thankfully my wife and I had similar thoughts that day... "You just can't break up a family."  So there we were taking home three chihuahuas.  The names had to be changed... they just didn't fit the bill.  They seem to be a mexican type breed so we gave them new appropriate names.  I won't even tell you the names because they make me want to cringe.  They were far from endearing. 

So,first there was Taco because he's the smallest one and he could literally fit in a little pita pocket. 

It took a few days to figure out the little girl.  Yet after a few days it was pretty clear.  She's a beautiful jet black and wonderfully sleek.  But she's fast, wirey and sneaky as all hell.  She has ivory colored circles around her eyes and just a bit over her nose so it looks like she's wearing Zoro's mask.  Yet she would quickly get out of her crate, her pen, her yard and anywhere else she was confined.  At first I thought of Houdini but since he was a man it didn't quite suit her.  Finally I noticed how she tried to steal any food or treats that were left out for the other dogs.  She was clearly a Bandit.  So we added an "a" to the end and there you go... Bandita.

Last but not least was their Mother.  That one was easy after a rather painful bite.  They had been at the shelter and left by themselves for about a month or a month and a half either in this really large carrier or in their crate at the shelter.  Well, I learned that they get what is called "cage rage" when they are in the same place as a "pack family" for that much time.  In other words, she was protective and territorial.  So the first day she wouldn't come out of the crate when we brought her home and neither would the others because they were scared.  Well, stupid me, rather than just letting them adjust I just thought I'd reach in and get one of he babies to bring them out to show them it was their now home and their mom tore into my right hand and left me bleeding with some pretty deep teeth marks for the rest of the day. 

I'll admit it, I was ticked off.  But it never happened again once I let them come out on their own.  Yet it gave her the name Mommacita.  She was the ultimate mom.  She protected them.  Cuddles with them.  Cleans their ears and their paws and plays with them.  When they get too rough then she jumps in to break things up. 

So what do I do?  I spend my spare time cuddling with my dogs.  Filming them and playing with them on the floor.  I'm always trying to think of new games to play with them.  With all of the children grown up and out of the house these are our children now but we don't expect them to leave any time soon.

As you can tell I enjoy writing.  I like sharing with people and informing people about things that I know so they can learn from me and hopefully I can learn from them.

I am constantly reading and learning new things on the internet.  Right now my newest thing it is about creating videos with video production programs.

When I have a case that is concerning me and there is a hearing coming up or a client is really having a hard time, I find myself writing to them, almost always on my own time to give them support and know that they are not alone.  Depending upon the case I sometimes spend days or even weeks worrying about them and having sleepless nights wondering how I can help them better.

I enjoy watching Netflix with my wife and after being exposed to so much reality each week I like to indulge in some of my favorite movies and television series such as Charmed, Smallville and The Avengers. 

I'm an entrepreneur at heart and I'm constantly experimenting with business ideas and concepts that may prove fruitful.

I am also into into self-help for relationships, physical fitness, and meditation.

I play acoustic guitar on occasion and spend considerable time trying to figure out what Google has done to change how its ranking system works and why they suddenly "demote" one or more of my other websites for my services or giving good solid information to the public without any particular reason.

I thoroughly enjoy Mac/Apple Computers and have found the need over the years to be a bit of an apple laptop technician on my own after the warranties expire.

I enjoy nature and amateur photography and miss the interaction of colleages in a large firm  since I began my solo-practice in 2000.

I drive an older car, practice filming and fixing up the house on weekends and find myself constantly doing paperwork and finding new things to recycle to help our environment.

I often take time to learn new programming techniques so I can develop my own billing program and try to learn new internet languages to keep up with today's technology.

I'm a simple man with a simple life.  I'm happiest with my dogs and my wife or when I get the rare occasion to go visit my mother and see my brothers.

No matter what, I am constantly helping those who call me and become my clients for either coaching or representation.  I'm selective about my clients and I pick good people.  I'm fair and honest with them and reasonable with all my billing.  I tend to lose more than I make which is disappointing because I know I've truly earned what I bill (usually 10 times over actually) and many times I take a loss each year which the IRS doesn't recognize.

I want to make a difference with people more than anything.  Lawyers have a black eye with people and I want to be one lawyer who changes that view even if it's one person at a time.

Ultimately, I'm a simple man, caring, loving, not out for the money but out to help those I can and still pay my bills and take care of my family.  It doesn't always work out that way, but somehow things work out and life goes on.

The rare latte at Star Bucks is enjoyable and I get to network and meet a few people but other than that as a very close friend who passed not long ago would say, I'm a priest who only looks and acts like a lawyer.

This isn't a legal article as you can tell, but it gives you a sense of me.  Most lawyers don't want you to know these things about them because it crosses the line between personal and professional.  Yet how can you trust your attorney if you don't know about them.

For those going through a family court matter, I've been there.  But this has been a cheerful sharing so perhaps we will leave the details of that for another day.
