RI Divorce for LegalForms.com, CompleteCase.com, and LegalZoom.com?.. It's time to Step Aside for Rhode Island Divorces!
August 08, 2011
LegalForms.com, CompleteCase.com, LegalZoom.com, and others . . . . please do me a favor and step aside gracefully. I've spent more time helping people fix the mistakes in your forms and instructions which people in the Rhode Island family court system rely upon as "legal advice."
As a Rhode Island lawyer who focuses my practice exclusively on divorce and family law it takes more time and energy to deprogram these poor people from what you have "done for them" than it would if they came to me in the first place.
I don't care how many forms and instructions you try to churn out to help people, nothing will ever hold a candle to or help more than the personal one on one assistance people can receive from an experienced and licensed Rhode Island lawyer who routinely handles divorce cases.
Admittedly, for those who don't know about my services or are unable to find a Rhode Island lawyer who might provide them with similar services, your paper forms system is certainly less costly than hiring an experienced lawyer in Rhode Island outright, but in my estimation it should be a last resort in Rhode Island divorce situations.
Rhode Island Divorce Coaching is no longer a sideline but is a major part of my law practice along with my continued representation of courtroom clients. My goal is to help practitioners learn a new method of practice for divorce . . . Coaching. It is my goal to spread the word and perfect the practice so that it is and will become a major part of many practices in years to come.
Practitioners who have a hard time getting clients need to wake up to the needs of the people and try this affordable method of practice rather than throwing in the towel and continuing to remain unemployed simply because they can't get a position with a law firm or don't have lots of money to invest to start up their own practice.
Rhode Island Divorce Coaching is new, it's innovative, it's cost effective for clients and it is a win-win-win situation for the lawyer, the court, and especially the client.
For three years now I have endeavored to have fellow members of the Rhode Island Bar join me in this coaching endeavor such that I could help them to help others. In variably attorneys shy away from this method of practice because they don't see it as profitable enough. That's understandable. They have certain expectations as lawyers as to what they want and need to make and this doesn't fit the bill because they look at it only on the surface. In turn, even those who are aware of my new practice method have not even taken the opportunity to help clients who won't hire them and mention my service to the prospective client who may find this alternative to be within their budget.
Despite these temporary setbacks which I believe will be short lived, I am still confident that Rhode Island Divorce Coaching (as I call it . . .) will play a major role in the future of helpful legal practice for the betterment of the clients and the betterment of how our legal profession is viewed by the public.
In the end, while I don't have a budget to get the exposure of LegalZoom.com, CompleteCase.com and LegalForms.com, I do not in any way believe that they are a substitute for even a single hour with me and yet on average appear to cost twice as much.
Every divorce is different and is factually driven. No matter how many forms these companies create, they will never be able to explain every divorce in every instance. The wording varies, the circumstances vary, and sometimes the approach will change with the facts. A form can't answer a question for you right there on the spot like a coaching attorney could do. Even if access to a licensed attorney is purchased in some fashion, how fast might you get a response? Do you know who is responding? Do you have a choice who will respond? Might a Rhode Island attorney who practices mostly real estate closings be answering your very serious divorce questions? It is certainly possible!
The only thing worse than getting legal advice from a truly unknown and unchecked source is to get bad advice from that source.
So, LegalForms.com, CompleteCase.com, LegalZoom.com and others who do not provide personalized experienced service from a lawyer who is licensed to practice and routinely practices in family court, please step aside and let attorneys who know what we are doing help these good people. Is it truly worth wrangling $300 or so from some poor man or woman just to provide a bunch of forms and a little bit of knowledge that may do more harm than good?
Ultimately, I'm tired of picking up the pieces from forms services with seemingly empty promises for these people. Sometimes people need a hero in their divorces. Though I have never thought of myself as anything other than a caring and experienced lawyer in the area of divorce and family law, you seem to be depicting yourselves as waiving the cape and providing not just a cape but the whole superhero package for those in a Rhode Island divorce situation.
While Rhode Island Divorce Coaching isn't for everyone and doesn't work in every case, at least I can adjust on the fly to the needs, questions, and facts of each coaching client. It's something you just can't do and it makes all the difference.
LegalForms.com, CompleteCase.com, LegalZoom.com and other services like them that are out there with the same form and instruction based divorce and family law services filled with lots of promises ....forewarned is forearmed....
If people need a hero and you're all they think they've got, I'm more than willing to dawn the cape and do what you can't. Someone has to be there to protect the people. For some people it might as well be me.
Authored By:
Christopher A. Pearsall, Attorney-at-Law
Rhode Island's Full-Time Divorce* Lawyer is Now
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Copyright 2000 to Present. Christopher A. Pearsall, Esquire
Offering Rhode Island Rhode Island Divorce and Family Law Coaching for a New Millenium!
Note: If this article contains a case scenario with names, dates or amounts, any resemblance any connection to any person or situation now or previously existing is purely accidental, unintentional, and is merely a mistaken creation in the mind of the reader.
* The Rhode Island Supreme Court licenses all attorneys in the general practice of law. The court does not license or certify any lawyer as an expert or specialist in any particular field of practice.
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