The Rhode Island Divorce Lawyer discusses divorce increases, today's surge in bankruptcy filings and an approach that may help you to cope!
The Rhode Island Divorce Lawyer Expands on the Rhode Island Bar Association Web Site: What Kind of Issues Will I Discuss with my Attorney During my First Visit?

Happy Holidays Rhode Island and to All My Clients and Readers!

To All,

Whatever your trials and tribulations during this Holiday Season, I want you to know that I wish you the very best through your financial strife, through your emotional turmoil, through your mental anguish and whatever challenges you are dealing with at this holiday season.

Keep in mind through all your difficulties that they are merely "temporary" and that they will pass.  Only our own decisions and our own fortitude will cause the change that you need to get through temporary hurdles.  No matter how difficult the decisions may be, know that you have the ability to withstand whatever comes your way.

For everyone, I wish you a wonderful and beautiful holiday season filled with friends and family, warmth and love and memories to last your whole life long.

Peace and Blessings upon You and all those You Love.

I Remain, 


Christopher A. Pearsall, The RI Divorce Lawyer* who truly

Cares About People.

* The Rhode Island Supreme Court licenses all attorneys in the general practice of law and has no procedure for recognition of specialization in any area of law.
