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September 2009

The Rhode Island Divorce Coach Clears Up Two RI Common Law Marriage Myths!

Too many good Rhode Island people are still under two myths about Rhode Island Common Law Marriages.  As a Rhode Island Divorce Lawyer and to my knowledge Rhode Island's Only Divorce and Family Law Coach I'd like to do my part to clear up the myth and set the record straight for everyone who may go before the RI Family Courts.

First, Common Law Marriage is still recognized in the State of Rhode Island. Strangely, I've heard several Rhode Island lawyers misinform people that there is no such thing as common law marriage under Rhode Island law.  

If my fellow practitioners who are not aware of it happen to stumble on this article I hope they chisel this in stone in their minds.  The answer is . . . "Yes Virginia . . . there is common law marriage under Rhode Island law.  For RI Citizens and for those who are interested, here you have it straight from the Rhode Island Divorce Coach . . . . common law marriage remains alive and well under Rhode Island law as of the date this article is published.

Second, I have also heard fellow practitioners who have appeared beside me in the four family courts in Rhode Island try to tell me that they knew that common law marriage still existed but that they weren't sure whether the two people had to be living together for ten (10) years or if it had been reduced to seven (7) years by the RI General Assembly.

I am happy to reveal that the answer is ZERO!  A common law marriage does not require any particular number of years at all.  In fact, it is entirely possible that you be together with a person for only eleven months and a RI Family Court Judge could still find that there is a common law marriage between you and your significant other (i.e. your spouse if the RI Family Court judge were to make that ruling).

In my other Rhode Island Divorce Coaching articles and blogs you are likely to find even more information about common law marriages in Rhode Island.  Feel free to read my other websites and articles to understand more about Rhode Island Divorce and Family Law.

To all my Readers  . . . 

Have a Fantastic Day and Design a Fantastic Life for Yourself!

Authored By:

Christopher A. Pearsall, Attorney-at-Law

Rhode Island's Full-Time Divorce* Lawyer is Now
Rhode Island's Only Full-Time Divorce and Family Law Coach

Find out the Tremendous Benefits You Receive by 

Participate in Family Law Coaching Sessions!

Go to

Call (401) 632-6976 Now
Schedule Your Rhode Island Divorce* or Family Law* Coaching Session Now!

Copyright 2009.  Christopher A. Pearsall, Esquire
 Offering Divorce and Family Law Coaching for a New Millenium!

* Rhode Island licenses all attorneys in the general practice of law.

- - Recommended Websites - -

The Danger of Rhode Island Child Support Modification Provisions via Marital Settlement Agreements!

Sitting in the Rhode Island Family Courts for many years I have seen Post Divorce issues arise. Few situations are more disturbing than what I call "the private child support modification."

If you've been reading this or any of my other Rhode Island divorce websites, you know that I usually explain by use of examples and analogous situations since nothing seems to teach more strongly than a good story.  Since most of the compliments on my websites are the use of these stories, I won't diverge from that here.

* * Milton's Case of the Modified Child Support * *

It was difficult to sit in my seat as the judge rendered the decision.  It was most certainly a decision that made Milton cringe as his ex-wife MaryLou laughed at him gleefully.  Milton would not be able to stop the fact that his ex-wife had deceived him and would now reap extra money from him by putting their Rhode Island Child Support Modification as merely an amendment to their Marital Settlement Agreement.

Let's roll back a bit, as Rhode Island Child Support Lawyers do, I am getting ahead of myself again.

Authored By:

Christopher A. Pearsall, Attorney-at-Law

Rhode Island's Full-Time Divorce* Lawyer is Now
Rhode Island's Only Full-Time Divorce Coach

Call (401) 632-6976 Now
Schedule Your Rhode Island Divorce* or Family Law* Coaching Session Now!

Copyright 2009.  Christopher A. Pearsall, Esquire
A New Rhode Island Divorce Lawyer and Coach for a New Millenium!

* Rhode Island licenses all attorneys in the general practice of law.

- - Recommended Websites - -

Rhode Island Family Law Attorney - Something for Angry RI Divorce and Family Law Clients to Consider . . .

As a Rhode Island Divorce Lawyer I have had the privilege of representing many men and women before the Family Courts of our state.   I have taken pride in the oath I took the day I was sworn in as an officer of the court and afforded the privilege of practicing law and representing people in the courts of our state honorably, morally and ethically.

On September 10, 2009, I woke up and discovered a posting in the legal section of  Craig'  The posting about me as Rhode Island's Most Affordable Divorce Lawyer looked exactly like this.

Authored By:

Christopher A. Pearsall, Attorney-at-Law

Rhode Island's Full-Time Divorce* Lawyer is Now
Rhode Island's Only Full-Time Divorce Coach

Call (401) 632-6976 Now
Schedule Your Rhode Island Divorce* or Family Law* Coaching Session Now!

Copyright 2009.  Christopher A. Pearsall, Esquire
 Offering Divorce and Family Law Coaching for a New Millenium!

* Rhode Island licenses all attorneys in the general practice of law.

- - Recommended Websites - -

Divorce Coaching in Rhode Island - Is it the Answer to An Affordable Divorce?

Many Rhode Islander's these days are frustrated with today's economy, especially when there is too much month at the end of the money.  Certainly it's no secret that financial issues can cause a strain on even the strongest of marital relationships these days, sometimes even causing them to collapse entirely and open the door to divorce.

Even though many Rhode Island attorneys make their living from divorces which find spouses at each other's throats there are those of us who try to minimize the financial, emotional and mental damage caused by divorces.

Yet the greatest challenge arises in the burdensome financial cost of hiring a competent divorce lawyer to insure you are aware of your legal rights and know how to protect them.

Authored By:

Christopher A. Pearsall, Attorney-at-Law

Rhode Island's Full-Time Divorce* Lawyer is Now
Rhode Island's Only Full-Time Divorce Coach

Call (401) 632-6976 Now
Schedule Your Rhode Island Divorce* or Family Law* Coaching Session Now!

Copyright 2009.  Christopher A. Pearsall, Esquire
 Offering Divorce and Family Law Coaching for a New Millenium!

* Rhode Island licenses all attorneys in the general practice of law.

- - Recommended Websites - -